Anna Gordjushina — Spatial & Interior design

As time passes architecture, spatial design and interior design develop very quickly, changing forms and technologies, it is very disappointing to see how new architectural constructions break up a Town's or City's look, creating disharmony with their surroundings and architectural historical background. Often enough great examples of contemporary architecture and design get missed because of a wrong setting or are badly integrated into their surroundings.

The same could be said about interior design, especially contemporary interior design integrated into the space with some history behind. Furthermore, I believe good architect and designer should be close to a psychologist, especially in connection with interior design. Because the interior for me — is always the projection of the inner world of the person, who lives there. To be able to create this projection, a professional should deal with the internal world of the client and within the physical space which is going to explored and changed. I have never understood professionals, who repeat the same idea over and over again, presenting it as their own style. In my opinion, vivid design should always be its own creation, which considers all its aspects in relation to each other.

University of the Arts London, Chelsea College of Art and Design
MA Interior and Spatial Design
University of the Arts London, Chelsea College of Art and Design
BA (Hons) Interior and Spatial Design
Kensington & Chelsea College of Art, London, UK
Btec Diploma Foundation Studies, Art & Design
January—March 2004
University of the Arts London, Central Saint Martin College of Art and Design
Interior Design Portfolio Preparation Course
© 2010—2012 Anna Gordjushina
Spatial & Interior design